You have to registrate, if you want to play in this cup.
If you opened the website in the left side, you watch a hunagarian word: "Bejelentkezs". There is another hungarian word: "Regisztrci"---> There you can registrate. If you click, you can see another side. In the first time, you have to your username. This word is "Felhasznlnv". Write here your football club name.
The second time, you have to write your Email address. You have to write TWICE. Later you get a letter to this E-mail.
The third time, you have to write your pass word ----> "Jelsz". TWICE. The other information isn't so important, so click to "Elkld" ---> Send.
You get a hungarian E-mail. You have to click: "//".
Kumi88 accepted your registration and next day you can read the website.
Next day you can enter to the website in the "Bejelentkezs". You have to enter your "Felhasznlnv" ----> football club name and your "Jelsz" ----> Password!
If you are ready, please join to our Facebook group!
Thank you!